125 research outputs found

    Basic equipment and organization of a medical practice designed for sclerosing treatment of varicose veins

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    In this original article, the basic equipment and the principles of work organization in a medical practice designed for sclerosing treatment of varicose veins are presented to colleagues who perform such therapy of the lower extremities.Personal experience is shared, as well as the experience of numerous similar medical practices in different countries of the European Union


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    The article aims to present the Bulgarian policy in the education sector in search for opportunities to create and maintain a sustainable and effective relationship between the labour market and higher education. The study draws attention to the effects of a project, developed and tested in recent years, related to conducting practical training of students. The outcomes show that the availability of similar financial mechanisms contribute to creating and strengthening the relationship between higher education and the labour market


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    The aim of this article is to present the commitment of EU Member States to their education policies. The key points in the article are the importance of investing in human capital and the effectiveness of the state as such an "investor". Through clusterization of the available data, the author has grouped the EU countries according to their governments’ policy on financing education

    Special cases of sclerotherapy

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    In this article the basic rules for sclerotherapy of varicose veins in some special cases are discussed. These include varicose veins in pregnant women, sclerotherapy in patients against the background of treatment with indirect anticoagulants, in patients with pronounced postphlebitic syndrome, sclerotherapy of various gangliomas and the so-called accelerated sclerotherapy, as well as sclerotherapy of limbs with lipoedema and lymphedema.A thorough review of the main European schools working in this field—Swiss, French, German and Irish—has been carried out.The authors have summarized the experience of prominent sclerotherapists and give specific practical advice

    Assessment of the Fiscal Stances of the Balkan States

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    The research paper presents an assessment of key budgetary and socio-economic indicators to reveal the effects of the models of public finance management adopted by the countries on the Balkan Peninsula. Based on these indicators, the analysis determines the fiscal stance of each Balkan country before, during and after the global economic crisis. The results of the analysis show a significant degree of similarity in the discretionary measures taken, but at the same time some more pronounced deviations from the general economic development of the Balkans

    Characterization of Plasmid pPO1 from the Hyperacidophile Picrophilus oshimae

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    Picrophilus oshimae and Picrophilus torridus are free-living, moderately thermophilic and acidophilic organisms from the lineage of Euryarchaeota. With a pH optimum of growth at pH 0.7 and the ability to even withstand molar concentrations of sulphuric acid, these organisms represent the most extreme acidophiles known. So far, nothing is known about plasmid biology in these hyperacidophiles. Also, there are no genetic tools available for this genus. We have mobilized the 7.6 Kbp plasmid from P. oshimae in E. coli by introducing origin-containing transposons and described the plasmid in terms of its nucleotide sequence, copy number in the native host, mode of replication, and transcriptional start sites of the encoded ORFs. Plasmid pPO1 may encode a restriction/modification system in addition to its replication functions. The information gained from the pPO1 plasmid may prove useful in developing a cloning system for this group of extreme acidophiles

    Филология, литература и символьная география Европы: Эрих Ауэрбах, Лео Шпитцер, Эдвард Саид, Стефан Цвейг и Гуго фон Гофмансталь

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    Symbolic Geography and Frontiers in the Philology of Erich Auerbach (1892-1957) My purpose is to find the main motive why Auerbach chose to use the non-disciplinary term “European philologists” and what he meant by that. The first question pertinent to the subject of this study is: did Auerbach and the other great Romance philologists work from the very beginning with a consciousness of Europe and presuppose a common European horizon for their literary and linguistic studies? Or was this “European” consciousness formed gradually and later as a result of personal and social cataclysms? I was led to the conclusion that in addition to the First World War, the threat of another military conflict in the 1920s, foremost between France and Germany, also influenced the way part of the German Romance philologists rethought their academic pursuits. The second question is about the symbolic geography of European culture in the works of Auerbach. The synonymous use of Europe and Abendland distinctly reveals Auerbach’s dual, unifying/divisive understanding of the identity and the symbolic geography of European culture. If we accept the opinion that the European has been represented for centuries by the Romance, then the tasks of Romance philology as European philology would become clearer and the cultural geography of Europe narrower. The cultural-historical identification of Europe and Abendland after the Second World War solidified the anyway existing division of Europe into two blocs. Literary history and philology divided Europe in the way this was done by the relevant political doctrines too. The human sciences also contributed significantly to the creation of value-attitudes, and an investigation of the former from this perspective gives us additional reason to assume that the agreement on the division of Europe after the Allied victory was not based solely on strategic interests

    „На една лампа“ от Едуард Мьорике: автономност и хетерогенност на „класическата“ форма.

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    “Auf eine Lampe” by Eduard Mörike: Autonomy and Heterogeneity of the ‘Classical’ Form Angel Valentinov Angelov Eduard Mörike’s poem “Auf eine Lampe” is the most frequently interpreted of all his poetical works, which can be proved by the bibliography to his critical editions. The history of the interpretations in a miniature manifests how the approach towards the poetical text as well as to the history of German literature during the last sixty years changes. In the first part of the article, I analyse several interpretations of the poem, which are representative for a specific modern attitude towards literature. I do not bring in question the interpreters’ perspicacity or sensibility but their grounds and the social function of their interpretations. In the second part, I try to give proofs of the instability of the lamp’s classical form, as well as of its heterogeneity, in which intermingle Antique, Oriental and European elements from the nineteenth century. I also discuss the social function of the classical form. I conclude that what is usually presented as a classical form in “Auf eine Lampe” is an intermingling in the adoption of the Antique tradition and the Oriental exoticism, which was popular in various European countries during the first half of the nineteenth century. The lamp’s classical form in Mörike’s “Auf eine Lampe” is unstable and the space where the lamp ‘shines’ is non-European

    Rechnergestütztes Lernen im Bereich der regenerativen Energien: (Ausgewählte Aspekte)

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    Mit der stetig steigenden allgemeinen Vernetzung ist der Erwerb von Wissen zeit- und ortsunabhängig geworden, wodurch computergestützte Technologien zur Wissensvermittlung an Bedeutung gewonnen haben. Die starke Verbreitung des Internets als Informationsquelle ermöglichte erst diese Entwicklung. Die Anwendung, lehrgestützter Techniken, wie der Virtual-Reality-Technik, erleichtern den Lernprozess im Bereich der Elektrotechnik. Einige neue Elemente wie z.B. VR-Labore (Virtual Reality) vergrößern bei geeigneten mathematisch genauen Modellen den Wissenserwerb und erhöhen die Attraktivität des Technikstudiums. In dieser Dissertation sind die Probleme des rechnergestützten Lernens am Beispiel der Regenerativen Energien behandelt worden. Es sind ausgewählte Bereiche des rechnergestützten Lernens an drei Beispielen untersucht und durchgeführt worden. Die Beispiele sind: • Regenerative Energien – Multimedial (RegEn – M) – Ein modular aufgebautes Lernsystem, • Virtuelles Labor, • Virtuelles Training. Diese drei Themenbeispiele sind systematisch erarbeitet worden. Zunächst sind die Szenarien erstellt und geeignete Techniken ausgewählt worden. Auf diesen Ansatzpunkt basierend sind Lernapplikationen entwickelt, implementiert und getestet worden. Die Akzeptanz ist durch reale Anwendung in der Lehre überprüft und verifiziert worden. Das System RegEn - M beinhaltet folgende Lernmodule, die im Multimedialabor am Lehrstuhl Elektrische Netze und Alternative Elektroenergiequellen (LENA) implementiert worden sind: • Allgemeine Grundlagen der Energieerzeugung aus regenerativen Energiequellen und ihre Potentiale, • Wind als Energiequelle, • Photovoltaische Energieerzeugung, • Brennstoffzelle. Das virtuelle Labor ist auf der Basis des realen Brennstoffzellenlabors des Lehrstuhls aufgebaut. Die virtuellen Modelle zur Visualisierung werden ergänzt durch implementierte, quasi dynamische, mathematische Modelle zur Simulation unterschiedlicher Betriebszustände. Das virtuelle Training basiert auf CAD-Daten eines Leistungsschalters und ist in der Kooperation mit dem Produzenten entwickelt und in der Praxis erfolgreich eingesetzt worden. In mehrjährigen Anwendungen sind die Akzeptanz und die Vorteile der in dieser Arbeit erstellten Lehr- und Lerntechniken untersucht worden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Anwendung von Virtual-Reality-Techniken die herkömmlichen Formen des Lehrens und Lernens bereichern und ergänzen können. Zukünftig ist eine verstärkte Entwicklung der Präsentationsmöglichkeiten des Wissens durch den Einsatz von dreidimensionalen Lernräumen gegeben, wodurch nicht nur das System virtuell repräsentiert werden könnte, sondern auch die gesamte Lernumgebung des Systems. Der Lernende könnte sich in der virtuellen Umgebung real bewegen und somit virtuell das System bedienen. Weiterhin besteht die Möglichkeit, die in dieser Arbeit realisierten Lernmodule zu erweitern und den neuesten Wissensstand weiterhin zu erhalten. Die Nutzung von virtuellen Laboren erweist sich als sehr hilfreich, folgende virtuelle Labore können in die bereits bestehende Lernbasisplattform eingebunden werden: Photovoltaik, Windkraft, Elektrische Netze und Leitwartezentrale